FAQs from Wonderland Cannabis

Cannabis Dispensary located in Millbury, MA

Have any questions? We’re here to help!

FAQ: Where are you located?

A: We are located in Millbury Massachusetts, Off of exit 16 on Route 146 on McCraken Road. Right next to the Blackstone Shops. Come on down!


FAQ: How much can I purchase?

A: According to State Law, You may purchase 28 grams (or 1 ounce) of dried cannabis flower OR 5 grams of cannabis concentrate OR 500 mgs infused edible products per day. There is no wiggle room in this! If you purchase 1oz of Flower, you can NOT also purchase a chocolate bar on top. However, as long as you haven’t hit your limit, you may purchase any combination of the above (Dried flower, Concentrate, Edible, etc.) before you reach your daily allotment.


FAQ: How old must I be to enter your location?

A: You must be 21 years or older. You must also present an up-to-date valid form of identification like a driver’s license or a passport. There are no exceptions to this! We wont even let the plumber in if he’s under 21!


FAQ: What type of Payment do you accept?

A: We accept Cash and Debit card payment and offer an on-site ATM. We do not accept credit card payment at this time. Be aware: debit car payments round up by increments of $10 and there is a $3.50 fee associated with a debit card transactions. As has always been in this industry: cash is king.


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